Woman looking at computer screen displaying interactive map in a Symbiota data portal

BioKIC Services

Biocollections publishing and processing services


BioKIC Services provides products and services related to the digitization, management, and processing of biocollections, as well as the maintenance and development of related software and IT infrastructure. For general and service inquiries we can be reached at help@symbiota.org.


Data portal services

We provide support for the installation, development, and maintenance of new and existing Symbiota data portals and their user communities. Symbiota is specifically designed for efficient and collaborative digitization as a collections management system, and as an open data exploration and publishing tool. To date, over 50 Symbiota portals have been used to mobilize 90 million biological specimen records from 1,800 collections worldwide.

Biosample processing and loan support

In connection with the NEON Biorepository, we provide support for project-specific bio- or eco-sample preparation, processing, storage, shipping, and related sample and data management and publishing.


  • Nico Franz, Lead
  • Katie Pearson, Portal and Data Services
  • Greg Post, IT Infrastructure Solutions
  • Braulio Quesada, Financial Operations
  • Lindsay Walker, Portal and Data Services
  • Kelsey Yule, Biosample Services

BioKIC Services collaborates with all members of ASU's Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC) to meet the needs of specific requests. For more information about how this initiative relates to the Symbiota Support Hub, refer to our statement on Sustaining Symbiota Services.

Products and rates for BioKIC Services were produced in collaboration with ASU's W. P. Carey School of Business Center for Entrepreneurship

Disclaimer: BioKIC Services is an ASU Recharge Center and therefore operates independently of the research award-sponsored Symbiota Support Hub and NEON Biorepository.